After our previous Amazon giftcard carding method post (images),
we present to you: the first Amazon Gift-Card Carding Method Video!
See how we spend $2724.95 from a stolen Credit-Card on Amazon Gift-Cards from psncarddelivery.com!
PSNcardDelivery: Amazon Gift-Card Carding Method
- Obtain a NonVbv CC from wcc-plug.cm or pluscards.cm.
- Make sure the NonVbv CC comes with all personal information (fullz).
- Use a Proxy, VPN, or RDP that matches the CC holder’s location.
- Check the card balance before use. Learn more here.
- Email address – Since you’ll receive the e-Gift Card immediately, you can use a disposable email (temp-mail.org) or a random email you have access to.
Watch the PSNcardDelivery: Amazon Gift-Card Carding Method below!
See how to easily obtain Amazon gift cards from PSNcardDelivery.com and discover tips on redeeming or selling them for profit above!
- Prepare the requirements.
- Visit PSNcardDelivery.com.
- Select a gift card (e.g., Amazon gift card) from thousands of options.
- Choose the quantity and amount (ensure your card has sufficient balance).
- Enter an accessible email address (the gift card will be sent here).
- Click “Buy Now.”
- Click “Proceed to Checkout.”
- Enter and verify your email address.
- Select “Credit Card” for payment.
- Provide the full information from wcc-plug.cm or pluscards.cm and click “Complete Order.”
- Wait approximately 10 seconds for payment processing.
- Your order is complete! Check your email for the gift cards.
- Redeem or sell them for a profit margin!
Automated (Machine Learning)
Gift Card Carding methods

read more here or see the post below