Expedia is American online travel shopping company for consumer and small business travel. Its websites. Flight tickets are very valuable and since in this method you can card with any names you prefer, you can easily sell them or just travel with them, or also gift to your friends.
This is so far the most recent method and works fine if you follow the steps below

Flight Tickets carding method Anforderungen:

  • Methode - das wertvollste Element beim Kardieren. Gut, dass Sie damit arbeiten können
    • NonVbv CC with Fullz – Buy a US CC From wcc
    • Proxy/Vpn/Rdp - Für den Wechsel unseres virtuellen Standorts während des Kartenlegens
    • VM - Verwenden Sie einen PC/Mac mit installiertem Windows 8.1 vm für die Arbeit mit
    • Telefonnummer - Nummer des Empfängers, an den Benachrichtigungen und Flug-Updates gesendet werden

Site: expedia.com

This site links many airports to one and you can book almost any flight in US from this site. The advantage is you will pay the site and get a receipt which you will just use to. Actually you just need to provide the id since your name will be on the flight list

Flight Tickets Carding Method Schritte:

Buy Fullz NON-VBV From WCC

Gehe zu wcc-plug.cm und erstellen Sie ein neues Konto, geben Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse ein und erstellen Sie ein Passwort.
Benutzen Sie diesen Link, um zu vermeiden Betrug Standorte: https://wcc-plug.cm  Viele Seiten versuchen, diese Seite zu klonen und zu hosten, also stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie auf den Link oben klicken oder direkt in die Adressleiste eingeben. Nicht Suche für Ergebnisse. Die Kontoerstellung ist kostenlos aber stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie Ihr Konto innerhalb eines Tages aufladen, um eine Sperrung zu vermeiden. 
Gehen Sie zu Ihrem Wunschland der Wahl und wählen Sie Gold Karten. Sie funktionieren am besten. In meinem Fall werde ich mit US arbeiten. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie eine Karte wählen mit vollständige Informationen und nonvbv wie die folgende

Alle Karten sind live und ein Guthaben-Checker ist verfügbar, also stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie ihn benutzen. Das hilft Ihnen bei der Bestellung und stellt sicher, dass Ihre Karte den Betrag der Bestellung aufnehmen kann.

Choose a full info card (FULLZ)
  1. Adresse
  2. Nonvbv
  3. Fullz
  4. Namen
  5. Cvv

Buy non vbv cards cc shop

Proxy-Einrichtung / Vpn-Einrichtung

For VPN, most will work as long as the check is %100 ip check score. If you already have a vpn, check the score on whoer.net. If you don’t have a vpn, use torgard vpn, express vpn or hma vpn

Wählen Sie den Ort entsprechend Ihrer Fullz-Informationen und stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie übereinstimmen Staat und Stadt wenn möglich

to increase the chances of the site believing you are in the city.

Expedia Flight Carding Method: Video

Expedia Carding Method: Steps

Fire up your Google search engine and search for “flight tickets”. You will get ads for several sites and just find expedia.com link and click on it.
If you didn’t find the link, try to search “expedia flight” and as with all Google searches, you will get ads, just find the expedia link ad visit on it.

You can use any other search engine to search the site. If you can’t find the ad link, just visit the normal one as it will still work fine, the advantage of ad link is that the search engine will have referred us and the site will look like we were finding a good site to book flight. We will look like very legit customer

Flight ticket carding method 10

2. Search Your desired Flight

If doing this for a client, you should have the details from which state to select and to where. If you are doing this for a friend or for yourself, just find a good flight and make sure the amount can be affordable by the card you chose

carding method flight ticket 9

Make sure you select dates not that far away. Make sure it falls in one-week timeline. You don’t want to receive chargebacks before your flight

From the image below I chose a Flight of about $327 For a flight from Fargo zu Houston

method for flight tickets 8

Next you will be provided to book the flight Time and choose according to your want. In this field you can also adjust the amount to pay buy choosing the affordable trip

3. Confirm your trip selection

When satisfied with your selection, click weiter and continue to payment for the trip

Note at this point we have not added our fullz info and our payment info, this is because the site offers a step by step procedure to book flight and we are following the guidelines just like new users do. This will work fine

4. Price and summary

When you click on continue, you will be presented with a price summary for your selected flight and you should review to make sure it’s all in order in terms of locations and time

When satisfied, check outand next we ill fill our fullz info and lastly our payment info together with the traveler info


From your card balance checker on wcc, you should choose a value that will not raise flags to the bank holding the cc. If you card has about $1000, then checking out a $400 flight will be processed smoothly

5. Fill out the traveler’s name

Fill out the name and details of the person who will go to the plane and travel, The info they require is the one printed on id document which they will present. So, make sure the info you type will match the id that the traveler will use

This is not your fullz info, this is your traveler’s info. The info including dob, phone, and names should be valid

flight carding method whos traveling

6. Add Payment method

Next go to payment and fill out the card you bought from wcc. This is what we will pay with. At this point you should have matched your proxy to the location of the cc holder.

Flight ticket carding method 4

This is a card I got from wcc and I typed it one buy one to the site, Make sure you have a valid card and when done proceed to account creation

7. Account Creation

Remember we never created an account unlike other methods, The site will present us with an account creation form to create a new account. You will need an email and password to do this.

This is mandatory as you will receive notification emails for the purchases.
Use an email not used in the site before, create a strong password and then continue

Flight ticket carding method 3

8. Payment confirmation

Now with everything in order, just confirm booking and a windows will open loading your order

Flight ticket carding method 2

Give it a few seconds and a confirmation message for order summary will be shown. Wait for emails to direct you on your flight instructions

Flight ticket carding method

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