
This is the Chanel carding method for store collection. Upon purchase on the site, a receipt will be emailed to you for collection. Unlike other methods, our user info will be registered for store pickup. The fullz will only be used for checkout.


  • Non vbv cc - Acheter NonVbv CC de ou pour cette méthode.
  • Fullz - Le cc non vbv doit être fullz Pour éviter la vérification, utilisez Fullz avec toutes les informations personnelles (how pour l'achat de fullz sur les pluscards)
  • Proxy Vpn ou Rdp - Veillez à faire correspondre l'emplacement du porte-certificats
  • numéro de téléphone - Il peut être nécessaire d'entrer le numéro de téléphone, mais ce n'est pas une obligation. Vous pouvez simplement taper le nom du propriétaire du téléphone et changer quelques chiffres pour qu'il ne reçoive pas de notifications.
    ou utiliser l'outil PLUSCARDS OTP bot ou COE OTP bot

Buy non vbv cards cc shop
Required: Non vbv cc

Chanel Carding method: PICKUP VERSION

Visit site

Chanel carding method 10

Here is the official page for, make sure you visit the correct link
Tous les sites web ne fonctionnent pas avec cette méthode.

. use your Firefox browser to visit the site find the user registration form

Nous remplirons d'abord toutes les informations requises, puis la carte.

Chanel carding method 10

Create account and fill fullz info

Find the registration form of this kind and register, Use the info of the person who will collect the item in the store.

The receipt will use the names of the account holder not the cc holder during checkout
Fill the email, first and last name, and create a strong password

Carding jewelry

Add your product to wishlist

It’s always advised to checkout item from wishlist, It makes the site see you as a really concerned buyer. Add any item of interest to wishlist

In my Case, I will checkout a $4k watch, so first I will add it to my wishlist.

Chanel carding method 9

To do so, click the star icon next to the price of your item

Fill personal info

Next Go to profile tab and fill your collector info.

Not many info is required, just names incase they as for id.

Chanel carding method 9

When done click on update details

Add Your Address

Next go to address and fill the cc holder info, the store will offer pickup option not delivery so just fill your address. It will do no harm.
You should put info near the store pickup location and also near cc holder. I prefer all to be on the same state
i.e., your address, cc holder billing and the store pickup

Chanel carding method 9


Go to your wishlist and check out your item. Click on review bag and checkout to go to final page


This is a very large checkout but no problem since the order is a pickup and not a delivery.

The security in in the pickup but we did put our collector info so everything is ok

Chanel carding method 5

Select the boutique to collect

Select the pickup you feel ok with and one not very close to you. In my case I chose these one

Chanel carding method

Ajoutez vos informations de paiement et passez à la caisse

Add your fullz info, make sure your card balance will pay for the full amount otherwise errors.

Chanel carding method

Hit this button on your way down and wait for the magic

Chanel carding method

Order confirmation and pickup

When done you will be presented with confirmation like the one below. A detailed email will be sent to instruct you on your order pickup

Chanel carding method

Si vous avez des questions, envoyez un message à l'adresse suivante

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