This is the latest pubg mobile carding method, CLICK HERE FOR THE PUBG PC CARDING METHOD

IF you are int gaming, then you probably have come across this battlefield game. PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds is an online multiplayer battle royale game developed and published by PUBG Corporation, a subsidiary of South Korean video game company Bluehole.

Carding Pubg is not hard as it only cost about $30 for PC. I will show you how to download and card for UC to buy whatever you need in the game easily using your nonvbv CC from wcc


  • La méthode - l'élément le plus précieux de la carde. Heureusement, vous pouvez travailler avec cette méthode
    • NonVbv CC with Fullz – as of now WCC is the only reliable source, check step 0 for buying
    • Proxy/Vpn/Rdp - Pour changer notre emplacement virtuel pendant le carding
    • Mobile phone –  For the ones who want to card the mobile version of the game

The game is supported in may countries hence meaning that you can buy with almost any cc country. For mobile version, you can link a card in your Playstore payment methods and use it to purchase UC or as we will explore, buy code online and redeem


S'inscrire et acheter Fullz sur PLUSCARDS.CM ou WCC-PLUG.CM

Aller à et créez un nouveau compte, renseignez votre email et créez un mot de passe.
Utilisez ce lien pour éviter escroquerie sites :  De nombreux sites tentent de cloner et d'héberger ce site, alors assurez-vous de cliquer sur le lien ci-dessus ou sur tapez direct dans la barre d'adresse. Ne pas recherche pour les résultats. La création de compte est gratuit mais veillez à recharger votre compte dans la journée pour éviter la suspension. 
Accédez à votre Pays des États-Unis de son choix et sélectionner L'or Cards. They work best. In my case I will work with US. Make sure you choose a card with Plus d'informations et nonvbv comme celle ci-dessous.

Buy non vbv cards cc shop

Veillez à choisir la carte fullzComme dans l'image ci-dessus, j'ai choisi une carte avec toutes les cases à cocher vérifié c'est-à-dire qu'il s'agit d'un non-vbv avec toutes les informations
Toutes les cartes sont en ligne Un vérificateur de solde est disponible, assurez-vous de l'utiliser. Il vous aidera à passer des commandes et à vous assurer que votre carte peut supporter le montant de la commande.

Steps: UC Top-up And Mobile Download

In app store or play store, you can download the game for free. So in this method, we will card UC /coins for buying stuff in the game.

1. Go to

We will use this site to buy the UC for the Pubg Game. This site is Cardable easily with  good nonvbv fullz

2. Select the amount of UC you want.

pubg carding method mobile 2

Find the right amount of the UC you want. If your card has high balance, select many UCs

3. Click on Order

The delivery is Instant so proceed to Order

pubg carding method mobile 2

4. Select Amount

pubg carding method mobile 2

 I chose 1 * 87 in my order

5. Enter receiving email

Enter the email to receive the code. It can be your email you created for carding

pubg carding method mobile 2

6. Payment Method

Select Cards As the payment method since we want to use our nonvbv

pubg carding method mobile 2

7. Fill your Fullz info

pubg carding method mobile 2

Type your cc info and address and make sure they are correct. To confirm address if its valid, just type in google and see if it matches the one you have

8. Redirect to payment

Once you have valid details you will be redirected to payment gateway. Once in payment gateway, type your cc info and hit the pay button .

pubg carding method mobile 2

9. Payment processing

Your payment should go a couple of processes before finally charging your card. Here are the steps but finally it will go through.

pubg carding method mobile 2
pubg carding method mobile 2

10. Order Summary

Finally press the back button and you will be redirected to your order summary.

pubg carding method mobile

Just wait a few minutes and redeem the code to your game. You can do this over and over until the card is out.

You can also buy more games in the instant gaming site until the card is out also.

For any question pm

                        Trucs et astuces supplémentaires


Recommended cc shop non vbv


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