Did your girlfriend become jealous because you seemed to pay more attention to your laptop or PC than to her? and now you lost your personal cleaner?
Are you tired of spending countless hours cleaning your house?
As someone involved in carding, I understand that mundane tasks like cleaning are not a priority. But don’t worry, we have discovered a solution that allows us to continue our cashing out activities while keeping our homes spotless. Our savior? The iRobot Roomba automated vacuum cleaner.
Who says carders don’t care about cleanliness? We just prefer to let technology do the work for us. And what better way than using a high-tech device like the Roomba?
In this carding tutorial, we will guide you through the process of carding an iRobot Roomba so you can enjoy a spotless home without lifting a finger (except maybe to click a few buttons). So sit back, relax, and let’s get ready to card! Don’t worry if you’re new to carding, we’ll break down each step for you in simple terms, Scroll down for the iRobot carding tutorial video. enjoy!
- Non vbv cc – Buy NonVbv CC from wcc-plug.cm or pluscards.cm for this method.
- Fullz – The non vbv cc should be fullz To avoid verification, use Fullz with all personal info (how to buy fullz on pluscards)
- Proxy Vpn or Rdp – Make sure to match cc holder location
- US phone number – You may need to enter phone number but not a must. You can just type the owner of cc phone and just change some digits so he won’t receive notifications
or use the PLUSCARDS OTP bot or WCC OTP bot
Irobot Carding Tutorial Video
Irobot carding tutorial completed
No more wasting time on mundane chores, it’s time to focus on the more important things in life (like cashing out). click this link for a recent list of all cardable sites