Hoe Dump en Pin kloonkaarten schrijven in 2024

Writing Dump + Pin cards

Are you looking to dive into the world of carding in 2023? Cloning a debit or credit card is one of the most lucrative methods out there. Carders use ‘dumps + pin’ (track data and PINs) to make clone cards that can be cashed out at ATMs.

To get started, you’ll need dumps + pins, a special reader/writer (like Omnikey), blank cards, cloning software, and – of course – a trip to your nearest ATM with cash withdrawal capabilities. With the right tools and knowledge, you can easily learn how to write dump + pin clone cards for yourself in no time!

Dump Card Information required

Hardware (Amazon)

A more in depth Cloned Card writing tutorial


Cloned Card Writing Software package:

Software-pack cloning
DOWNLOAD ON 777dumps.cm

Keep this information secret – it’s only for those in-the-know. Carders make use of this method to cash out with ease, so be sure to keep it under wraps! With the right knowledge and tools, you’ll soon have a foolproof way to clone cards and withdraw money without question. Good luck in your carding endeavors.

Happy cashing out!

Want to know more about dumps + Pins? Klik hier

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