Лучший метод кардинга криптовалюты Bitget: 2024 + видео

Добро пожаловать в Битгет Crypto Carding Method!

Crypto has dipped and you want more, but you’ve already spent a fortune on it? Today, We’ll show you how to get crypto without spending your hard-earned money.

This method requires a low level of carding-knowledge and skill in order to successfully acquire crypto. (Click здесь to learn the Основы кардочесания)

Before diving into the Битгет Crypto carding method, it’s important to understand that this technique may be considered illegal in most countries. It’s crucial to research and know your local laws before making money out of this crypto carding method.


bitget crypto carding method: BALANCE CHECKER
Available Balance = $2114.32

Битгет Crypto Carding Method

Now that you have the requirements ready, we’ll provide you with the Битгет carding method video and also the instructions in text format. You’re ready to explore the more intricate parts. Remember, it’s all about the details. Feeling a bit overwhelmed? No worries, we’ve got this! With clear and direct steps, you’ll be navigating this like a pro in no time. Ready to card? Let’s make it happen!

Instructions (Video):

This video covers the full Bitget Crypto Carding Method, from getting the right CC, to buying the crypto with the CC, to withdrawing the carded crypto!


  1. Подключите свой прокси рядом с местом нахождения владельца карты и перейдите на сайт bitget.com.
  2. Check the Программа проверки баланса Pluscards to see the max charge—ours says $2114.32. Keep this number in mind for later.
  3. Hit up bitget.com and click “buy crypto.”
  4. Remember step 2? Enter the available balance here. For us, it showed $2114.32, but let’s play it safe and put $1700.
  5. Create an account with your email and password, make sure you’re in control.
  6. Confirm the email code to finish setting up your account—choose to verify later.
  7. Head back to “buy crypto” and punch in the amount again.
  8. Нажмите "Купить BTC".
  9. Enter the card info and hit “next.”
  10. Enter the fullz billing address.
  11. Your account will get verified.
  12. Click “complete order” and enter your bitcoin address.
  13. Finally, click “pay now.”
  14. All done! You’ll get a link—click it, and you’ll see your carded crypto. It’ll be spendable after one confirmation, which usually takes 5-10 minutes.

Ready to roll?
Let’s get those bitcoins before the parabolic phase of the bull run begins!

Карточные криптовалютные сайты

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