Nike CARDING METHOD video: Learn effective strategies for the successful carding of Nike products.


  • Не vbv cc - Купить NonVbv CC с сайта или для этого метода.
  • Fullz - Не vbv cc должен быть fullz Чтобы избежать проверки, используйте Fullz со всей личной информацией (how купить fullz на плюскарты)
  • Прокси-сервер Vpn или Rdp - Убедитесь, что расположение держателя ксерокса совпадает
  • номер телефона - Вы можете ввести номер телефона, но не обязательно. Вы можете просто ввести владельца cc-телефона и изменить некоторые цифры, чтобы он не получал уведомлений.
    или воспользуйтесь PLUSCARDS OTP-бот или ВКК OTP-бот

Nike Carding Method VIDEO

*Caution: only Do the nike carding method on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Sunday. Thursdays and Fridays , they usually dont ship in the weekends. allow too long for your order to be pending and Nike does a ‘ghost charge’ on the victims payment method.


  • Buy a CC in a location roughly near to your closest Nike store. Getting same gender will make it easier in the long run.
  • Get a SOCKS5  
  • VPN in the same country as your CC
  • Using a MAC address changer, change your mac address. (for pc) (TOOLS)
  • Google ‘what is my ip address’ to test that it works.
  • Go to or gmail and make an email address using your cc name (so it reduces your fraud score when carding on nike)
  • Can either buy a SIM card for like £1 to get a real phone number which also makes order more likely to pass or make one up. You can also use CC billing number as nike doesnt actuallly send them a message


  • Go onto and select random-ish items that aren’t bought very often. (again, reducing fraud count). The key is to not be greedy because you can do this method non-stop as long as your dont get your ip blacklisted.
  • Add 4 or 5 items to bag. I would suggest not to exceed $1200, but its up to you (again, reducing fraud score). 200 dollar golf clubs work well. If you have a VERY strong non vbv CC, you can aim for $400
  • Put in a name for the shipping address that makes it seem like you are related to the CC holder in some way, but also that is close enough to your name to collect.
  • ie: If you CC name is Michael Taylor and your real name is John Smith, on the order name, you put ‘John Michael Taylor-Smith’
  • At checkout, select click and collect, and then write in the postal code of your CC address, then zoom to a shop where you have access (remember to write CC address postal code and not a different one). This is why I said before to get an address as close as possible to you. Try not to send it to a nike shop. You will understand why later.
  • Put the ACTUAL billing address of the card (you really dont want it to be too far away, however it can still work). the key point in this method is the cumulative distance between your socks ip, the pickup shop and the victims billing address
  • Checkout. As long as the victim isn’t using that card right that second and the CC has sufficient balance and is life, your order will go through & arrive within 48 hours.

Any questions pm

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