Coinbase carding method
In this guide i will explain one of our best Bitcoin carding methods:

Coinbase carding method introduction
The best and most direct method to Cashout your Nonvbv CC to btc is out. The only difficulty in this method is account verification since you have to provide docs like id. But, when the account is fully verified, you can easily Cashout up to your daily limit
Luckily to make this method easier, we have taken care of the verification part, most of our users never got past the verification and thus Coinbase was inapplicable.
In order to use this method, you have to be a valid WCC user and have purchased at least one card from the site in order to access the Coinbase verification panel. If you are new, just head to WCC site and create new account, purchase a card that you will use for this method and you are good to use the verification panel. That is the most important step for this method.
Coinbase carding method requirements:
- Method – the most valuable item in carding. Gladly you have this to work with
- NonVbv CC with Fullz – as of now WCC is the only reliable source, check step 0 for buying
- Proxy/Vpn/Rdp – For changing our virtual location while carding
- VM – Use a PC/Mac with installed windows vm to work with
- Coinbase Verifier – This is a WCC verification panel for Coinbase. It will help you verify your Coinbase account in under 3 mins. You must be a WCC user to use it
- Phone number – You will need this for 2fa account setup
For easy verification, we will be using a Fullz to activate. The advantage is that our fullz will come with ssn and dob. With these, you are halfway done through the verification. The rest will be to the docs and the selfie which are taken care by the Coinbase Verification Panel in WCC
Site: https:www.coinbase.com
1. Register and Buy Fullz from WCC
Go to wcc-plug.cm and create a new account, fill your email and create password.
Use this link to avoid scam sites: https://wcc-plug.cm Many sites try to clone and host this site so make sure you click on the link above or type direct on address bar. Do not search for results. Account creation is free but make sure you top up your account in a day to avoid suspension.
Go to your country of choice and select Gold Cards. They work best. In my case I will work with US. Make sure you choose a card with full info and nonvbv like the one below.

Make sure you choose the full fullz card, Like the picture above, I chose a card with all checkboxes checked meaning it’s a nonvbv with all info
All cards are live and A balance checker is available so make sure you use it. Will help in making orders and make sure your card can hold the order amount.
2. Proxy setup / Vpn Setup
Make a good decision on these as they play a big role in carding success rate.
You can also use a vpn for this method, since we will register our account with full docs from WCC, whether we use proxy or vpn it will not matter.
For VPN, most will work as long as the check is %80 or higher ip check score. If you already have a vpn, check the score on whoer.net. If you don’t have a vpn, use express vpn and hma vpn
Choose Location according to your fullz info and make sure you match state and city if possible
3. Register Coinbase.com
Now to coinbase.com/signup and create an account according to fullz info. The form will just require names and state. Make sure your names match your fullz info since it is not ease to change names after account creation.
After you fill the names and email address, the state will be filled by default to your current IP location, so make sure you chose a vpn/proxy with the correct state as of the cc holder.
You can change the state as you like, its not limited.

A verification will be sent to your email. Make sure you have a valid email address to click on the link to confirm the account
I changed my email to protonmail since the aol had been used

4. Setup 2fa using mobile number
Before you can complete account creation, you will be presented with add number form to be used for 2fa. It is ideal to complete each verification that we come across.

Enter the code you receive and submit the info. You should now be done with this step

5. Fill in your fullz info
Make sure you bought fullz from WCC and not just a normal card. You will not pass this step if you don’t have a cc with address, dob and ssn. Also make sure they are correct otherwise errors

6. User Dashboard
Now you have completed step 1 registration and you should be on your new dashboard. The account is active but there is not much you can do with it, If you can look at the image below, We only verified our email and phone. Payment method and Buy Crypto marks are still unchecked. You must add payment method to buy crypto. You can only add payment after id verification. This means you have to verify to buy crypto.
Looking at the bottom highlighted box, you can see the verify your ID option, here we will verify using WCC

7. Payment methods
Now at this time if you try to add a cc or a bank log, you will get the below error, telling you due to regulations, you must provide identity documents to verify identity first. The reason We chose US Fullz is because all id and dl templates for the documents are available in WCC. When you go to visit the verifier, it will generate the id scan in less than a minute since the template is already there for all states, You just need the personal info; dob, names, address etc. I will illustrate later. Here is the error when you try to add payment option before verification
To verify, you will need DL or a State ID, also a face id is required which checks for liveness

8. How to verify in WCC website
Now you are one step away to cashing out btc, you should have a Coinbase account by now and a US Fullz you got from WCC. Remember it must be a fullz (a cc with personal info like dob, address, ssn, phone) etc. Since the wcc bot will need the info to generate a dl/cc.
Now head on to this wcc verification link: https://wcc-plug.cm/?page_id=2232
You should have logged in to your account when visiting the link since you must have topped up and bought your fullz which you want to Cashout, If you are a new user, Please first buy a cc from the site.
Here is what the site should look like, many accounts can be verified but we will use Coinbase method

9. Verification
Now if you qualify to use the verifier, (have bought fullz from the site). You will see an account verifier button just below the site. Click on it and select the account you want to verify. In our case we select Coinbase. Next you will have to link the Coinbase account with the bot. Click the Link account button and enter your logins, make sure you are still on proxy you used to create account with. You will be presented with a form to fill out your holder’s info. Fill the forms correctly. The info you feed the bot will be used to generate a cc.
The only info that matters the most in our id is the following
- First and Last Name
- Date of Birth
- State and city
- Gender
- Ethnicity
So, make sure the above info you feed to the bot matches the info on Coinbase. The ID image will be automatically generated by bot from online database, make sure your gender and ethnicity are correct to the bot will fill an image of the correct gender and ethnicity So the image will match description.
When done filling the info form, Hit on Done and then Verify button. Now wait for 30secs, documents are instantly generated since the templates are available for all states just make sure you type correct info.
The bot will generate and verify in under a min and when successfully submitted the id, It will logout and then you will get a download button to download the Ids used in case you might want to use them later. At this point the Coinbase account is verifying your docs and wcc bot will print out this message

At this point you can go back to Coinbase or check your email for confirmation
10. User Dashboard 2
Now after you have downloaded your IDs, go and login to your Coinbase account and check the Dashboard. Check on the image telling you if ID verified or not. If you rushed to Coinbase and maybe the ID hasn’t been verified yet, Go to add payment option and see the message that will appear. You will find this notification for telling you to wait verification to process

This is a positive message and just give the account some mins and check back. After about 5 mins, check your Dashboard and See the ID verified text now.

11. Add Payment method
Now the hard part is over, Go to add payment option and add a Credit Card. You can also add a bank if you are cashouting a bank log. Add your Nonvbv CC from WCC and when done, check your dashboard now.
Here is what you should have

The Add Payment method is ticked with green meaning we have successfully added a live cc and ready to buy btc. I have a cc with 3k balance so I am ready to Cashout $1k for btc. If you don’t know your cc balance, go back to WCC and use the balance checker to your bought cc.
12. Buy Bitcoins now
Depending on your cc balance, buy bitcoins not exceeding half of the card balance. My card has $3k so I will buy abought 1k btc. This is going to be some good cash. Even if the card is charged back and my Coinbase account limited. I will have $1k in my pocket so all good
I bought the btc and luckily my card was Nonvbv and so no 3d security and here is my portfolio balance.

13. User dashboard 3
Now we have completed each verification step and if you look at the dashboard, We have completed all the steps.
- Verify email and Phone
- Add Payment Method
- Buy Crypto

Don’t keep your crypto in Coinbase, Transfer to blockchain or any other wallet you have the seed for or private key
When you have transferred all your crypto to an outside wallet, Just Card the site again depending on your cc balance until its dead
any questions pm
More Crypto carding methods